National Grand Sheik on The Morning Show With Yusef-El
On November 27, 2015, High Frequency Radio Network welcomed Special Guest National Grand Sheik J. Bratton-Bey.
With over 40 years in the Moorish Divine and National movement. Holding the flame of the National side of the Moorish Divine and National movement: the teachings of the Four Proclamations of President Abraham Lincoln that pertains to securing birth rights and nationality, and the 13th Amendment with 20 sections that was resurrected by Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El to facilitate a uniform naturalization process so that those known as Blacks, Negro, Colored, etc; properly known historically as Moorish-Americans can be True American Citizens of the U.S.A. according to Constitutional Law and the Hebrew Code to stop the abuses they are suffering from throughout the nation.

Along with the “genius citizens” that Prophet Noble Drew Ali spoke about that would come, as demonstrated by International Grand Sheik F. Turner-El and Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El; National Grand Sheik J. Bratton-Bey is continuing the mission of the Moorish Divine and National movement as the founder Prophet Noble Drew Ali had intended.Moorish-Americans study, study, study and enforce the law (constitutional fold) to save the nation. This is one you don’t want to miss!!!! Two(2) options below to listen one(1) with a download option. Peace.