L. Richardson Dingle was born in Clarendon, South Carolina. He was the son of the late Chief Apostle Arch-Bishop Joseph Allen Dingle and Prophetess Elder Lula Tindal Dingle. Armed with a third grade education and skilled as brick mason, young Dingle joined the Moorish Movement, under the Founder, at the age of 18.
Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El sat under the teachings of Prophet Noble Drew Ali and Sheik John Givens-El and appointed Sheik J. Bratton-Bey as the succeeding Grand Sheik of Moorish Science Temple The Divine and National Movement of North America, Inc; #13 The Moorish American National Republic. Before being appointed Grand Sheik, Sheik Bratton-Bey was Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El’s chauffeur and was also appointed Chief Investigator for the Moorish Bureau of Investigations.
Receiving instruction from Reincarnated Prophet John Givens-El, Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El met with General Hershey and Colonel Swartz in Washington D.C. in 1944, leading to the formation of the Moorish National Bureau of Vital Statistics. Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El requested all Moors be naturalized according to “Our Authority”. By these actions on the National side, Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El became the first so called Negro (Black) to register with the United States Government as a descendant of Moroccans born in America.
As a part of his work related to his meetings with General Hershey and Colonel Swartz, Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El redesigned the Moorish American Nationality and Identification card with his brother Grand Sheik Timothy Dingle-El, resurrecting the Original 13th Amendment with 20 sections and the ‘Executive Will’ of President Abraham Lincoln. Because of his good works, demonstration and deeds spearheading Moorish American recognition at the State and Federal levels, Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El was recognized by many Moors as Prophet Noble Drew Ali the III. He was often heard saying he is “just a little brother trying to get a brick out the wall”. During this time, Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El also initiated and maintained communications with, and sought and received support in accomplishing this mission through, the Office of Selective Service, Pentagon, Mr. James C. Evans who was instrumental in establishing a framework for Offices of Moorish Affairs. Mr. Evans eventually became Brother James C. Evans-El.
Prior to 1970, when Maryland drivers license had racial categories, because of his change of status, Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El had the designation “W” for White applied to his records. This was done in accordance with the United States Ethnic Classification Code and without regard for his skin pigmentation.
A Charter was issued to Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El by international Grand Sheik F. Turner-El. Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El filed articles of incorporation with the corporate name of The Moorish Science Temple Divine and National Movement of North America, #13. Circa 1968-69, Grand Sheik Dingle-El opened a Temple in Philadelphia, Pa. He called this Temple “The Complaint Department” for the Moorish Science Temple of America. “The Complaint Department” was established for the purpose of registering our ‘complaint’ with the Federal government for its not having implemented the ‘Executive Will’ of President Abraham Lincoln thereby effectively denying our people our Right to Naturalization, Colonization and Compensation. As a part of this effort the Complaint Department published 24 issues of “Moor Sense Newsletter” from 1971 – 1973 and met, every Saturday, with members of the Congressional so-called Black Caucus in their offices, i.e. specifically Robert N.C. Nix in Philadelphia and Parren Mitchell in Baltimore. After many meetings, both Nix and Mitchell promised to bring the issue of Naturalization to their colleagues in the Caucus having them all naturalized but such action never occurred.
With a circulation of 200, The “Moor Sense Newsletter” was sent to the sitting President of the U.S., members of both houses of congress, and many others. Brothers from the Complaint Department, Deputy Sheik Charles Glenn-El, Brother John Hawk-Bey, Brother Ronald Shoatz-Bey and Brother Bennie Jenkins-El would travel from Philadelphia to Baltimore Saturday evenings for study sessions with Grand Sheik R. Dingle-El at the home of Sheik Alfred Collins-El. These sessions usually lasted from midnight to 6 or 7 a.m. Grand Sheik Dingle-El expressed to the Philadelphia brothers that he opened the Temple in Philadelphia because the Moors in Baltimore were not listening to him. That soon changed, however, as the presence of the Philadelphia delegation sparked the interest of one of the Baltimore Moors, Brother Clarence Reynolds-El who later became the National Chairman. On January 9, 1972, Grand Sheik R. Dingle-El, with the aid of Grand Governor R. German-Bey, Sheik Alfred Collins-El, Sheikess Christina Price-Bey (the Founder’s Secretary) and Grand Mufti, Frank Porter-El (at whose Washington, D.C. Temple the initiation took place), made a group of 13 members (6 Brothers and 7 Sisters) Adepts. From Philadelphia came the four aforementioned Brothers as well as Sister Sharon Peyton-El, Sister Gloria Shoatz-Bey, Sister Jocelyn Jenkins-El, Sister Muriel Shoatz-Bey and Sister D. Griffin-El; from Baltimore were Brother Jefferson-El, Sister Sandra Fresh-Bey , Sister Carolyn Reynolds-El along with her husband abovementioned. The Moorish Law and History class, utilizing the “Moor Sense Newsletter” as its first textbook, was started in 1972 and functioned in the homes of a special group of young men and women dedicated to the education of the youth. With a growing body, the temple incorporated the Moorish School of Law and History Inc, #13 in 1976.
On September 25,1975, the Moorish Science Temple the Divine and National Movement of North America inc. #13 was Incorporated in the State of Maryland to conduct business and more explicitly, to bring about the nationalization of all lands and finance compensation and reparations that are due under the ownership of the Moorish-American Nation maintaining the United States Government responsible for its support and operation.
We are lawfully registered and recognized as the only National Divine Movement authorized to redeem Moorish descendants in the Americas. Our work has been and will continue to be based on the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Thus, to achieve our purpose, in June 1997 we established in Baltimore, Maryland the Moorish American National Republic to conduct business and manifest the nationalization of all lands, finance and compensation.
The Moorish American National Republic, is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, and has established the Bureau of Moorish Affairs to be located in Washington, D.C. and in each state in which business must be conducted by and for Moorish-Americans, etc. The Bureau of Moorish Affairs has the full authority to work through and with the Governor of the State (as well as any and all State agencies) and the Federal Government to fulfill the mandate of the Moorish American National Republic.
For more on his works, and to see some of the documents spoken of showing Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El demonstrations purchase the book “The Negro, the black, the Moor”.
* If there is any one who is a descendant of any of the Moors who walked, was taught by or was under the teachings of Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El or any family member of Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El who has any stories, pictures, files or documents they would like to share, or would like for us to have, please contact the webmaster or National Grand Sheik J. Bratton-Bey in the contact us section