

The Moorish Supreme Court of Equity and Truth and The Moorish Science Temple the Divine and National
Movement of North America, Inc #13
The Moorish American National Republic

We naturalize Our citizens with the Authority from:

  • Allah
  • Prophet Noble Drew Ali
  • Article 1 section 8 clause 4  uniform rule of naturalization.
  • The Hebrew Law debated in the Senate Mar 31, 1864
  • Freedman’s Bureau Act Executive will of President Abraham Lincoln

“Moorish Science Temple the Divine and National movement of North America, Inc #13 The Moorish American National Republic and the Moorish Supreme Court of Equity and Truth currently holds a naturalization ceremony Annually usually in early fall yet the process starts much earlier with our Moorish School of Law and History classes.

We encourage all those who are scheduled to be naturalized, to invite family and friends. All those wishing to be naturalized may attend.

**The Moorish Supreme Court of Equity and Truths Chief Justice has authority to naturalize anyone at any time at any location.
**Attendance of and participation in the naturalization ceremony does not confer Citizenship officially until completion of all three Moorish School of Law & History classes.

Moorish School Of Law & History

A True education for all, especially those who are labeled, classified, identified or “described” as Black, Negro, Colored, Ethiopian, West Indian, Native American, Native Indian, American Indian, Amerindian, Aboriginal, Black Indian, Latino, Mexican, Afro American, African American, First People, First Nation, Original People, Asiatics, Indigenous, Paleo, Pre-Adamite, Autochthon, etc. 

Moorish Supreme Court of Equity & Truth

The Moorish Supreme Court of Equity and Truth was established by Moorish Science Temple the Divine and National movement of North America, Inc #13 the Moorish American National Republic through the Divine authority of Prophet Noble Drew Ali form 1099 in conjunction with Article 3 of the organic constitution of the United States of America, Executive will of Abraham Lincoln inclusive of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Article with it’s 20 sections.


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