The Universal Way To Wrap A Turban
There are a few codes of conduct and educational lessons that our Moabitess women and young sisters need to know when it comes to living the Moorish way. This involves the choice of language used in communication and expressing self; dressing attire; role of women in the movement, at home, in marriage, i.e. when obligated; when navigating through the public and basics like wrapping and wearing the turban.
At the request of Sheikess G. Cherry-El we post the video below for our sisters (and brothers) on how to properly wrap a turban. More edicts and teachings will be given at our naturalization ceremony in Baltimore, Maryland and demonstrated by Sheikess G. Cherry-El, however some universal basics are found herein:

- Sheikess G. Cherry-El wishes to remind the sisters that Prophet Noble Drew Ali In The 3rd Form Reincarnated (Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El) pointed out that the sisters should be “WRAPPING” their turban. As turbans are wrapped, the Sheikess emphasizes that we should NEVER use the verbiage “tying” our turbans.
- The sisters should wear the colors of the rainbow or white only. Black turbans can ONLY be worn with further instructions and teaching.
* Since we know that through study that words are vibration, vibration stimulates matter and affects our reality and perception:Any sister with questions should contact Sheikess G. Cherry-El (see the “Contact Us” section) pertaining to understanding why certain colors and mixing colors should only be worn by the sisters with proper teachings and instructions.
The video below from a beautiful sister within the Moorish movement, will hopefully give sisters who are new to the Moorish movement and Temple #13 a good basic lesson in turban-wrapping.
Further instructions, details pertaining to the turban, Moorish attire and conduct will be shared in future written and visual materials as well as at the naturalization ceremony by Headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland.